从前天开始网站就不正常了,每次打开网站前总会冒出来一个窗口说 There is no website configured at this website. 然后要隔几秒才会自动跳转到主页。再仔细一看网站地址和以前已经不一样了,比如主页地址从 http://www.kinolulu.com/index.html 变成了 http://www.kino lulu.com/~kinolulu/index.html,也就是说所有网页前面都多了一个~kinolulu。本来以为可能哪里扯拐了,隔几天就会好的。但是今天还是这种情况,于是我就去求助hostmonster的在线支持。把问题申报了之后等了大概20分钟就有一个叫Chad的技术支持跳出来:
Chad [8:11:08 AM]: Welcome to our real-time live chat. Please have your domain, password, and a detailed description of your problem; please note that I am chatting with several other customers as well, so my responses may be delayed.
Kinol [8:11:08 AM]: When I try to open my website, I will first see a webpage saying that there is no website configured at this website, and only after a few seconds I can be directed to my website. Why?
Chad [8:11:51 AM]: Checking.
Kinol [8:12:51 AM]: Thanks. Take your time.
Chad [8:14:41 AM]: This box is under a DDOS attack; in order to keep your sites running, we have moved all the sites off to dedicated IP addresses, which is giving the strange activity you're seeing.
Kinol [8:16:13 AM]: So how can I get rid of the thing?
Chad [8:17:30 AM]: You'll have to wait until the DDOS attack on the server has been averted.
Kinol [8:19:06 AM]: I see, thanks very much. Have a nice day.
Chad [8:19:25 AM]: You're welcome, have a great day.